"Mining is the first link in global production chains"

Mining in general can be defined as "A GREAT PASSION TO OBTAIN AND ENJOY WHAT THE EARTH BY NATURE GIVES US", which is why human beings have dedicated themselves to simplifying the day-to-day processes for the correct extraction and use of each metal and ore.

Global steps within mining:

Prospecting: Consists of preliminary geological research to determine if a mineral can be found in an area in commercially acceptable quality and quantities.

Exploitation: It is detailed geological work. Its objective is to find out the quantity and quality of mineral detected in the area.

Development: Includes the set of mining works: shafts, fronts, crossings, countershafts and ramps necessary to proceed with the exploitation.

Extraction: It is the set of systems to rationally and sustainably extract the mineral, either open pit or deep.


Mining or mining activity is an economic activity, belonging to the primary sector, which consists of the extraction of minerals and marketable elements from the interior of the earth's crust. These materials are found forming deposits or deposits of thousands of years of geological antiquity.

Mining is one of the main economic activities of many countries in the world. It is a vital source of resources for most human industries, which serves as raw material in the development of the most diverse objects and machinery.

Within mining we have various direct sources to obtain minerals such as:

Each one is handled in the presentation in which the client requires it, or that is possible according to the DNA of the mineral and the process that can be given to it. Likewise, it can be delivered in various ways, either in a dry yard, FOB, mine yard, fiscal yard, etc.

  • Gold

  • Silver

  • Iron

  • Manganese

  • Rhodium

  • Palladium

  • Zinc

  • Copper

  • Aluminum